Autor: admin

  • Vodka collection

    I have started – strangely enough – to collect Wodka. A colleague of mine collects Gin, however my collection is nowhere near as exciting, complete or passionately assembled as his. However, if you want to make my other half cry and add to the collection, here’s a list on what I’m missing. This list is…

  • Taxes HowTo – Christian style

    It’s about time: our local “Finanzamt” which is the town’s legal entity to collect your income taxes in Germany, in my case Hamburg-Hansa (which will hopefully not change due to the move), has again reminded me that my income taxes were due in May and that I should consider handing them in till September, 14th,…

  • Twitter OAuth – does it work?

    I use twitter quite reguarly and of course, I also twitter when I write a new blog entry. However, twitter has recently changed their API and this forces me to upgrade the twitter integration + test it. So, this rather boring blog post is just a proof of concept that twitter integration works (again). So:…

  • Video killed the radio star

    Due to a conversation I just had with a friend / ex-colleague of mine, I decided to give you a little insight in what I like to watch from time to time. I’ll split the list a bit to help you pick whatever genre you fancy: Great German TV series (contrary to popular belief, there…

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