Autor: Christian Krakau-Louis

  • San Francisco: or the reason why I was so quiet on Twitter

    San Francisco: or the reason why I was so quiet on Twitter

    Some of you – especially those following me on only Twitter and not Facebook – might have wondered why I was so quiet for the last couple of days: The reason for that is pretty simple – I haven’t been around. And, as there is an agreement between Inka and me to not publish when…

  • More Mail interactivity

    Since I am not sure if all of you use a Feed reader or follow me on twitter – and even if you do you might be more interested in good old plain E-Mail – I’ve decided to add a little newsletter to my blog and the option to subscribe to comments for a specific…

  • National pride

    Normally, I make it a personal principle to not blog about my job. However this job brings me to many different places in all different countries and one of these trips – the most recent one – nurtured my wish to share a few thoughts about national pride: This week I had the questionable pleasure…

  • Blog slashdotsicher machen

    Auch wenn es wahrscheinlich mehr als anmaßend wäre, davon auszugehen, dass mein Blog jemals geslashdotted werden würde (hierzulande auch eher als “bei TV Total erwähnt werden” oder “auf stehen” bekannt), ist es gerade in der heutigen, von vHosts und anderen performanceschwachen Angeboten geprägten Zeit durchaus relevant, sich mal Gedanken darüber zu machen. Der Küchenserver…